Gigs for 2024
Past gigs
18th June 2022 - Eaton Constantine Village Hall
John Clachan - In concert
Future gigs
19th April 2023 - Dorking Folk Club
Dorking 'Golf Club', Deepdene Ave, Dorking RH5 4BX
John Clachan & Friends
2024 News Updates
Nov/Dec 2024
- Performed an hour of my own songs at the Ashtead
Bowls Club annual dinner in November - great to
hear the audience joining in after I'd handed out
chorus booklets, especially as no one had heard the
songs before!
- Played a few old favourites at the 'Prime Numbers'
electric Jam night in December - good music on the
night but very loud! Also played two songs at DFC
final night of the year.
- Recording for the CD almost complete and I'll
hopefully be starting the mixing early in the new
- Prepared a selection of old, solo, home recordings,
made over the past 45 years, for uploading onto this
website. None of the songs have appeared on CDs or
videos and will form a retrospective to celebrate my
70th birthday in January. The songs will be available
for free download in the new year.​
Aug/Sep/Oct 2024
- Played an hour spot at an outdoor 25th anniversary
party in August and an after dinner spot at an
APMH 'friends' meal in October, both were good fun
and the set list for the latter was drawn entirely
from my own songs.
- Recording for the new CD began to get back
underway in October with two new band members
joining up (Ben Hickman on violin and Martin Wayne
on percussion), Ronnie still being seriously unwell.
Summer 2024
- Apart from a couple of floor spots at DFC, not much
in the way of 'live' music to report.
Mar/Apr 2024
- Not much happening on the music front at the
moment. I did play a few songs 'live' at the 'Prime
Numbers' acoustic jam night in April, with Mark and
Ben on bass and cahon, which seemed to go well.
- I also played at an 'afternoon tea' event for the
blind and partially sighted residents at Swail House,
Epsom, which was good fun and meant I could play a
selection of my own self-written songs.
- Work on my new CD has been postponed for a while
due to illness in the band, we're all hoping Ronnie
can recover his health after his recent heart
Jan/Feb 2024
- It was nice to be asked to provide the entertainment
for this year's annual 'Afternoon Tea Party' at the
APMH (our local village hall). This year is the
centenary of the hall opening its doors and will be a
great opportunity to sing some songs relevant to
its long history - the set will be a mix of pop songs
and self-written numbers. I'm thoroughly looking
forward to the event.
- The APMH gig went off well and led to 3 further
bookings, which took me by surprise! It was the first
time I played solo to 100 people and was great fun
to do - thank you to the Trustees for asking me.
May to end of 2023
- A hiatus in the updates and musical activities
due to a summer spent building a new garden shed
from scratch and little happening on the music
- I did record the first demo versions of songs that
will eventually form the basis of the next CD, which
I've given the working title of 'Ghosts'.
- Dave, Mark and Ronnie have all agreed to play on
the CD and practise sessions are already underway.
- The band 'The Prime Numbers' have started up an
acoustic 'open mic' night at McCafferty's bar in
Epsom, on the first Thursday of every month. I went
along to the opening night and performed nine
songs with Mark on bass. Shame about the poor turn
out but it was great to get the chance to play so
many songs 'live' - good luck to the session in the
Mar/April 2023
- The March gig with the band went well and was the
first time we played a whole evening of my
self-written songs, as a band, live.
The set list included acoustic numbers and songs
with a more folk-rock feel (where Mark played
electric guitar and Ronnie drums). We all enjoyed
the evening and felt the experiment was successful.
- Dave played 'Folk Heroes of Old' on the Surry Hills
Radio Folk Show in March.
- The April gig at Dorking Folk Club also went well;
this time we stuck to acoustic versions of all songs
throughout the set.
The gig was recorded (audio) and I did an interview
for inclusion in the 'out and about' section of a later
S.H. Folk Show.
- Just one new song written in April 'Down to Us'.
Jan/Feb 2023
- The new CD was released on 01/01/23 and Dave
Shires from SHR played the title track on his
January Folk Show.
- The band convened to practise in January and
February for our upcoming gigs. This was the
first time we had all played together since
lockdown and was great fun.
- Chris Stagg played a track from the new CD
on his SHR 'Transmission' programme in
- In order for Mark to play electric guitar at our
first gig, we asked his friend Ben Thackwell to
join the band during the second set, to cover
for Mark on Bass. Ben fitted in very well and
will help keep the sound levels up in the second
- 3 new songs written in January and one in
Nov/Dec 2022
- The new CD, 'The More You Think it
Changes....', is now complete and ready for
release on 01/01/23 (previews and
downloads available from 'Songs-Audio' page). All proceeds to go to the Epsom
Medical Equipment Fund.
- I previewed the title track 'live' at Dorking
Folk Club in December and also sang
'The Pickpocket' live on the December
Surrey Hills Folk Show, during a 'round table'
chat/interview for the programme.
- Our two songs in the 2022 UK Songwriting
Contest didn't progress further than the
semi-finals (the same as last year's
entries) - Maybe we'll try again next year!
- The band and I will be playing a private gig in
March but have also been booked to play an
evening at Dorking Folk Club in April, which
is very exciting news and means getting
some rehearsals underway in the new year.
Sep/Oct 2022
- Recording for the new CD (to be titled
'The More You Think it Changes....') is all
but complete and mixing the tracks has
been ongoing over the last few weeks.
- Preparing the cover notes and insert is
well underway and currently being 'proof
read' by Chris. Whether it will be ready
before Christmas is 50/50 as it stands!
- I played a gig organised by 'Age Concern',
for a small group in the hall of Stoneleigh
Methodist Church, in October. This was a
45 minute set and I chose to perform my
own songs. It was very enjoyable and
seemed to be well received.
- The preliminary results of this year's UK
Song Writing Competition have been
announced (See 'home' page for details).
Nice to have three entries progress to the
semi-finals - fingers crossed for the next
Jul/Aug 2022
- Recording for the new CD was ongoing
over the two months, the bulk of the bass
and percussion tracks are finished along
with half of the accordion work. The early
mixes of the songs are sounding very
promising and it's exciting to hear the
songs 'take shape' as they progress.
- Chris Stagg played a second song from
the 'BC-AD' CD on his July programme and
surprised me by choosing the song
'Borderline' which is a slower, atmospheric
- In August, I was pleased to be able to send
a cheque for £250 to the Epsom Hospital
Medical Equipment Fund, from proceeds
of the 'BC-AD' CD sales.
- Dave Shires asked me to back him 'live' on
his slot at the Carshalton Environmental
Fair on Bank Holiday Monday, which was
great fun and he kindly played guitar for
me while I sang my own song 'East
Australia' during the set.
May/Jun 2022
- A busy 2 months with recording, song
writing and 2 gigs in June.
- Dave Shires played 'Clearing the
Highlands' from the 'Postcards from
England' CD on his May Folk Show.
- Uploaded my 'Old, Borrowed and Blue'
video EP onto YouTube, which comprised of
a mix of 'live' videos and a selection of
photos of a young JC in action!!
- Sang 'The Eyes of Grace Gladen' and 'Too
Little, Too Late?' at a DFC singers' night,
to help prepare for my two gigs in June.
- The first gig was at our street party
which went off well. It was great to play a
'live' set for the first time in over 2
- The second gig, in Shropshire, was great
fun and really got me back into playing
'live' again, with a chance to play some of
my own songs alongside more well known
numbers. It was a lovely audience who
kindly gave me some nice feedback after
the show. Thanks to Geoff Dawes, the
organiser, for making me so welcome
and keeping the booking on hold for 2
- Chris Stagg played 'The Higher they
Climb' from the 'BC/AD' CD and gave it a
good plug on his SHR 'Transmission' show!
- Christine and I put the finishing touches
to a new 'epic' song about the escape of
Prince Charles from the battle of
Worcester, called 'Away, Away from
England'. Who knows when that will see the
light of day on a recording though!
Mar/Apr 2022
- Song writing got back on track in March
with the completion of 'The Midsummer
Solstice Ball' and another couple of songs
well underway.
- SHR's 'Transmission' programme played
'Too Little, Too Late?' on the April show.
- Two more songs completed in April, 'The
Seasons' and 'One Copper Brown'.
- No further progress to date on the new
CD due to illness and other
commitments. Sessions due to start in
- I started work on a solo video EP in April,
which will comprise of 3 tracks and be
titled 'Old, Borrowed and Blue. I hope to
upload this onto YouTube in May.
Jan/Feb 2022
- Demo tracks prepared during early
January of song suggestions for the next
CD (as yet untitled). Mark, Ronnie and
Dave have all offered their services again
which is fantastic news.
- The plan for this CD is to record many of
the songs in full 'folk rock' style and
others in a more relaxed acoustic folk
- Both 'Song contest' entries reached the
semi-finals in their categories, which was
a complete surprise but, very gratifying.
Recordings of both songs can be heard via
the link on the 'home' page of this
- Chris Stagg, on February's SHR
Transmission programme, kindly played
'Too Little, Too Late?' Which was my entry
into the 'crisis' song category.
- Dave Shires played a track from my BC-
AD CD (The Burning Down) on his
February SHR folk show, giving the CD
a little more air-play which was great.
- All quiet so far on the song writing front
this year, although there are two or three
songs almost ready for completion, so
I've not exactly 'run dry' just yet!!.
10th March 2023 - Private Function
John Clachan & Friends
7th May 2023 - John's Coronation Jukebox
- Private street party
10th September 2023 - Private 'Age Concern' Function
John Clachan (solo)
13th February 2024 'Centenary Afternoon Tea'
Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall
John Clachan (solo)
5th June 2022 - John's Jubilee Jukebox
- Private street party
10th August 2024 - 'Golden Wedding Anniversary'
Private function John Clachan (solo)
4th October 2024 - 'Friends of AVH' - Private function John Clachan (solo)
29th November 2024 - 'Bowls Club Dinner'
Private function John Clachan (solo)
9th April 2025 - Dorking Folk Club
Dorking 'Golf Club', Deepdene Ave, Dorking RH5 4BX
John Clachan & Friends
8.30pm (doors open 8.00pm)
Admission charge at door £10.00 (card only)
4th April 2024 'Afternoon Tea'
Swail House, Epsom
John Clachan (solo)
16th April 2024 - 'Ladies Dinner - Cheam Probus'
Private function John Clachan (solo)
3rd Mar 2025 'Afternoon Tea'
Banstead & District
Club for the Blind
Private function - John Clachan (solo)
2020 News Updates
Oct/Nov/Dec 2020
- Still no 'live music' due to Covid 19.
- New song 'Standing Stones' uploaded to
YouTube in October, along with
accompanying video.
- 4 more new songs written
- Recording begins of material for my next
CD which will be a 'concept' CD based on
the history of the English people (from
65 million years BC to AD 1945!)
- By December, my own basic tracks had all
been recorded. The 14 songs currently
have vocals, bouzouki, recorder and
keyboard parts completed.
- The current plan is to finalise the CD in
the format of a 3 piece band with
Ronnie Laing adding percussion and Mark
Campbell adding bass. This obviously
can't happen until Covid restrictions are
July/Aug/Sep 2020
- Still no 'live music' due to Covid 19.
- 4 new songs written, all linked to a theme
relating to 'Ancient Man' which is a
project I have been working on during
- New recording equipment bought to update
my old digital workstation - using
lockdown time to get to grips with it
before starting my next recording
project. Watch this space for more info.
May/Jun 2020
- Lockdown in place throughout May & June
- 2 new songs written in May ('The Revenue
Men' & 'She'll Never get Married Again')
Mar/Apr 2020
- Complete musical shut down continues as
at 04/04/20
- 1st 'home concert' recorded in April and
uploaded onto YouTube, show includes 9
newly written songs.
- 02/03 More acoustic free downloads
recorded and added to 'Songs-Audio' page
on website.
- 8 new songs written so far this year.
- Visit to Bracknell F.C. 03/03/20 where
Machan did 5 songs during the evening.
- 14th March JC & Friends played 4 no's
at Mark's birthday celebrations
- JC & Friends spot at the AVC open mic
doesn't happen due to corona virus shut-
- All further gigs in jeopardy until crisis
over (as at 19/03/2020)
Jan/Feb 2020
- 'JC' website published!
- 'JC & Friends' CD ready for release -
'Postcards from England'.
- 'Machan' plan to play a number of
floor spots at local music venues over the
next few months, occasionally joined by
friends. Booked floor spots include:-
- 'The Ram' folk club, Thames Ditton
Friday, 31st January (2 songs)
- 'The Anchor' folk club, Byfleet
Thursday, 20th February (3 songs).
- 27th Feb. 'JC & Friends' played their debut
gig at the 'Last Thursday Shindig', great
fun, well received and a general 'thumbs
up' I think.
2021 News Updates
Nov/Dec 2021
- New CD released on 5th Nov. Any money
received from sales to go to charity
(Epsom Hospital Medical Equipment Fund).
- 13/11/21 Two tracks from CD played on
Dave Shire's Surrey Hills Radio Folk Show
+ a huge 'plug' for the CD from Dave!
- Visited Dorking Folk Club for the first
time since lockdown and sang two songs
from the new CD. First 'live' performance
for 20 months - really enjoyable.
- Began sifting through my recent new
songs to create a song list for my next
CD project. Must somehow whittle
them down from 26 songs to about 14!!
- Late November - entered two songs into
the UK Song Writing competition. 'Too
Little, Too Late?' and 'East Australia'.
Results to be announced during December!!
- 6/12/21 Met with a small group of
contributors to Dave Shires' SHR Folk
Show for a 'recorded' Christmas get-
together which was aired on the December
Sep/Oct 2021
- Mixing of new CD continued throughout
September with final touches added
during October.
- Insert/booklet for new CD completed in
October and first CDs run off ready for
release in November.
- CD release date set for 5th November,
being available for download or hard CD
copy from that date.
- 3 new songs written.
Jul/Aug 2021
- Rehearsals for the new CD with Mark and
Ronnie continued throughout July.
- Solo booking arranged at Eaton
Constantine village hall (Shropshire) for
June 2022. This gig had to be rescheduled
from 2020 due to Covid lockdown.
- 14th August, extended interview with 'live'
performance of 4 songs on Dave Shire's
Surrey Hills Radio Folk Show.
- Early August saw Mark and Ronnie
recording their parts for the new CD and
mixing began shortly after.
Apr/May/Jun 2021
- Still no 'live music' due to Covid 19.
- 2nd 'home concert' recorded in April and
uploaded onto YouTube, show includes 9
new songs written during lockdown.
- Thank you to everybody who e-mailed with
kind words and best wishes for the future,
after I announced my retirement from
'Machan' and 'The Riotous Brothers'. So
many happy memories and good times,
thank you all for being a part of the fun.
- Covid secure rehearsals with Ronnie and
Mark for the new CD started in June.
The sessions are going very well, despite all
of us being rusty and unused to playing
together after such a long break.
Recording may well begin in July/August.
- Three new songs written in April and one
each in May/June.
Jan/Feb/Mar 2021
- Still no 'live music' due to Covid 19.
- Performed a solo 40 minute extended
'guest spot' for Dorking Folk Club zoom
meeting in February
- 5 more new songs written
- Two songs played on Surrey Hills Radio
'Folk Show' plus a zoom interview with
host Dave Shires.
- Set list worked out for proposed 2nd home
concert to be performed sometime in
- Decision made, at the end of March, to
'retire' from gigging with 'Machan' and
'The Riotous Brothers', bringing to an end
17 years of 'live' performances with John
Mannel and nearly 300 gigs. There are
many reasons for the split, practical and
personal, but one is down to the enforced
break because of Covid restrictions.
Thank you to all our friends and followers
who have supported both duos for so long.
- A selection of videos uploaded onto
YouTube - some JC solo, some 'Machan'
and some RBs.
- One JC solo and one 'Machan' track posted
on 'Dorking Halls' social media site as part
of a 'Lockdown' video competition.